Short films 14+ | Animated documentaries
March 28, 2025 (Friday) at 10:00 AM
secondary schools: grades I–IV
Sorry for Starring at Me
dir. Hanie Ali Hemmati | Iran 2023 | 4 min. | film with Polish subtitles
The film follows the main character, X. X shares her struggles with social anxiety, but it is her friend who speaks on her behalf. She describes what life is like with this condition, names the emotions that accompany it, and presents the illness from both a young person’s and an adult’s perspective.
Topics covered in the film: illness, social anxiety, overwhelm
Odcienie bieli | Colourful White
reż. Jiahao Li | Chiny 2024 | 4 min. | film z polskimi napisami
When you feel ashamed of your body, the constant gazes of strangers make you want to hide even more. Unfortunately, some people face this every day. The protagonists of the animated documentary about vitiligo share their experiences and dreams that are not limited by their unique appearance.
Topics covered in the film: vitiligo, illness, diversity, overcoming shame
49 385
dir. Helena Stańczyk | Poland 2023 | 8 min. | film in the Polish language version
Jak wygląda życie podczas wojny? Babcia Zosia przekonała się o tym sama. Przy rodzinnym stole opowiada o swoich doświadczeniach jako łączniczka oraz więźniarka obozu koncentracyjnego. Historii przysłuchują się trzy pokolenia rodziny.
Topics covered in the film: war, concentration camps, youth life during the war, family history
Moja mama
dir. Agnieszka Popińska | Poland 2024 | 12 min. | film in the Polish language version
Jola is an energetic, versatile woman and the mother of six children. One of them is a filmmaker who, taking on the role of narrator, tells the story of her mother. She speaks about growing up, arguments, and their relationship. Most importantly, through the film, she conveys to her mother what she always wanted to say but never had the courage to express.
Topics covered in the film: mother-daughter relationship, family, arguments, coming of age
My homeland
dir. Tabarak Allah Abbas | Switzerland 2023 | 13 min. | film with Polish subtitles
Baghdad, early 1990s. A reality where the world is dominated by cyborgs. A couple welcomes their daughter, Subhan Allah, into the world. When war breaks out in the country, the couple fights against robots in an attempt to escape, striving to ensure a better future for themselves and their newborn child.
Topics covered in the film: family, war, fight, escape