
Film as a statement 14+

April 16, 2024 (Tuesday) at 9:00 AM 

Primary Schools: Grade VIII Secondary Schools: Grades I–IV

In the workshops conducted by director Barłomiej Żmuda, based on the film “Five Days of Fear”, the key focus will be the voice of youth and ways to express it through audiovisual media. What do we want to convey to others? How do we want to do it? How can media help us express ourselves better? And also—what is necessary to start making a film? The workshops will allow for reflection on these questions, as well as gaining knowledge of how working on your own film looks in practice.

“Five Days of Fear”, directed by Bartłomiej Żmuda, Poland 2020, 12 min, 14+

The director takes his camera to the streets of the capital city in the heart of Europe. Warsaw residents of various ages share their fears, anxieties, and worries. The question about them disrupts their daily routines, forcing reflection. Despite differences, are their fears similar?

Topics covered in the film: the variety and diversity of human fears (divorce, family violence, lack of acceptance, infidelity, lack of fulfillment, war…).

Bartłomiej Żmuda

A graduate of the Directing Department at the Polish National Film School in Łódź. His short films, especially “Barbakan”, have won many awards in Poland and abroad, including the Grand Prix in Tehran, Grand Prix in Bucharest, Audience Award in Beijing, and Rio de Janeiro. His documentary film “Five Days of Fear” was selected by “The New York Times” for the Op-Docs series in 2022. The film “God and the Warriors of the Amusement Parks” won the Maciej Szumowski Award at the 62nd Krakow Film Festival and the Journalists’ Award at the 41st Koszalin Festival of Debut Films “Young and Film.”

Warsztaty szkolne

School Workshops