Age: 12+
I am Greta
dir. Nathan Grossman, Sweden 2020, 98 min., 12+, film with Polish voiceover VENUE | DATE | TIME “My name is Greta Thunberg, and I want you to panic”, says the world’s most famous climate activist. Greta is a teenager from Sweden and a person on the autism spectrum. The documentary follows Greta during her international mission to urge people to listen to scientists about global…
Girl Gang
dir. Susanne Regina Meures, Switzerland 2022, 98 min., 12+, film with Polish voiceover VENUE | DATE | TIME Becoming an influencer is the dream of many teenagers, and everything related to it seems so straightforward – you film a few videos a day, use clever tags, and followers and money come pouring in. This is how we meet 14-year-old Leoni from Berlin, who, thanks to her…
Jasmin’s Two Homes
dir. Inka Achté, Hanna Karppinen, Finland 2022, 14 min., 12+, film with Polish voiceover VENUE | DATE | TIME Jasmin gazes with delight at the laptop screen, which she uses to talk to her father in distant Somaliland. She asks him if there are hedgehogs there – an important question because soon she, her brother, and sisters will be living there. Her…
Extraordinary Mona
dir. Sarah Van Dale, Belgium 2023, 15 min., 12+, film with Polish voiceover VENUE | DATE | TIME Mona is extraordinary: she has a huge imagination that helps her navigate daily life in the world. Mona, like her brother, is also on the autism spectrum. However, she is extroverted while her brother is more introverted. They see the world in completely different ways.…
dir. Maija Hirvonen, Finland 2024, 75 min., 12+, film with Polish voiceover VENUE | DATE | TIME After watching a film about Greta Thunberg, teenage Aida feels inspired. She also wants to change the world for the better and take matters into her own hands. Aida is neuroatypical, which means that daily functioning can be a bit more complicated for…
Actually Literally Arm in Arm
reż. Natalie Fischer, Germany 2022, 15 min., 12+, film with Polish voiceover VENUE | DATE | TIME Five girls, best friends, who operate together in multitasking mode – between dyeing their hair and self-defense courses, ice skating, and sleeping on air mattresses. They talk like adult women and wrestle like children, watching top models on tablets and defending…
Waking Up in Silence
dir. Mila Zhluktenko, Daniel Asadi Faezi, Germany, Ukraine 2023, 18 min., 12+, film with Polish voiceover VENUE | DATE | TIME Budynki koszarów byłej niemieckiej bazy wojskowej otulone są promieniami słonecznymi. Mieszkają w nich rodziny zmuszone do ucieczki przed wojną w Ukrainie. Dzieci jeżdżą na rowerach, tkają wianki na łące pełnej polnych kwiatów, zwiedzają puste pokoje i korytarze. W swoich…